Detwiler Family Reunion, August 17, 2013


Members of the Detwiler family from near and far arrived at Camp Innabah to celebrate together for the 117th time, Saturday, August 17, 2013. This reunion was begun in 1897, by Henry and Catherine Detwiler. “Family Traditions” was the theme for this reunion with written traditions placed on bulletin boards. These will be entered into the Reunion Memories book Zachary Zern created in 2007.  The Display table represented Reunion Traditions, some of which have continued to this day. They include a Group Photo (262 attended Aug. 15th, 1925, at the 29th Reunion) a peanut scramble (all reunions);  hand-dipped ice cream (40 quarts of ice cream  were served to 180 attending  the 4th Reunion  in 1900), as well as the Doxology being sung by all.

After grace was given young and old alike enjoyed the meal together, which included many “traditional” family recipes. A business meeting was then held for the adult family members. The younger children were excused to participate in the “traditional” peanut scramble, and games prepared by Jean Swartz. Fun and prizes donated by Chris Roussey and Jean Swartz made many memories for the youngest members of the family.  Amy Roussey created a flower pot craft for them to complete and take home as well.  The teens attending enjoyed ping pong and games as well.  Swimming and canoeing were available for all family members from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

President Sandy Detwiler Lusch called the meeting to order. The winning motto “Detwiler – It’s All Relative” was announced last year and recorded into our records this year.  Thanks was given to Megan Roussey for creating the centerpieces, and Jean Swartz for preparing the children’s activities.  Wendy Zern handled door prizes.  Dick Lusch, Historian gave a report on the births, marriages and deaths of family members since our last reunion. He reminded all to check our web site Cecile Fetters, Secretary gave an update on the minutes from last year; Eric Fetters gave his Treasurer’s report;  Recognition was given to the youngest and oldest members attending, most recently married and who traveled the greatest distance.  Meeting was adjourned and the family Group Photo was taken. A drawing was held for a family to house the Quilt, made by Martha Weed displayed at the 100th Reunion; and the Detwiler Coat of Arms for the coming year as well.  Door prizes were given out.

Elected as officers for the coming year; President, Sandy (Detwiler) Lusch, Secretary, Cecile Fetters, Treasurer, Eric Fetters. Dick Lusch, Historian. 

Sandy Lusch stated the earliest birth date recorded is Mathius Detweiler, recorded in 1596, in Zurich, Switzerland.  Henry R. Detwiler, founder of our reunion is the 4th great grandson of Matthius and the current president Sandy Detwiler Lusch is listed in the family line as the great-great granddaughter of Henry R. Detwiler. The President closed with  “As we think of these past generations of our family members let each of us continue to value our past heritage, and remember the importance of family, as together we plan for future generations to enjoy the traditions held steadfast for 117 years.  How proud each of us are to be part of this Detwiler Family.”  Our 118th reunion will be held on August 16th, 2014. Our theme will be Family Homesteads.


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