Descendents of Henry & Catherine Latshaw Detwiler

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Minutes of the 111TH DETWILER REUNION – August 18, 2007

Sixty-two (62) descendants of Henry and Catherine (Latshaw) Detwiler gathered Saturday, August 18, 2007 to celebrate their 111th reunion. The theme of this year’s reunion was “Timeless Moments” and there was an impressive display of antique clocks and watches that members brought with them to Camp Innabah. Zachary Zern created a “Family Memories Book” to be filled with sheets of memories filled out by different family members. Nick Zern created centerpieces for the tables and helped his grandfather, Dick Lusch, create a large Reunion Timeline poster. Kevin, Megan, and Amy Roussey created signs and posters to welcome the family members and decorate the room. There were also many photographs to share and family history as well. Prior to the covered-dish meal David Fetters of Spring Grove, gave the invocation and then all sang the Doxology accompanied by Chris Fetters.

After the meal and fellowship time, a group photo was taken with a background of the quilt made by Martha Weed for the 100th reunion in 1996. The following family members were then given special recognition: the oldest man present, 93-year old Harry Styer and the oldest lady present, Thelma Styer Fisher, 89- years old, are descendants of Elizabeth Detwiler; the youngest family member, Daniel Fetters, 3 weeks old, is a descendant of John Detwiler. Albert Conn, a descendant of Abraham Detwiler, and his new wife, Kris, received the prize for being the most recently married to attend the reunion. Al and Kris were married on September 9, 2006 and they also traveled the farthest, coming over 300 miles from Warren, PA to attend this year’s reunion. Albert Rapp, Bonnie Lepley, Amy Rossman, and Evan Rossman (9 months old), descendants of Abraham Detwiler, were recognized for having 4 generations of their family present at the reunion. Twenty-nine (29) descendants of John and Mary Jane Detwiler were the largest family group represented at this year’s reunion. The other family lines were challenged to exceed that number at the 112th Reunion in 2008.

Children’s games and activities, coordinated by Chris Fetters and Erin Bennett, were held during the business meeting. Fun and prizes made many memories for the younger members of the Detwiler family. A Kids Korner with crafts and activities was also available to the young family members throughout the afternoon.

The business meeting was called to order by President, Sandy Detwiler Lusch presiding. Printed copies of the minutes of the 2007 Reunion business meeting were available for all to read and take home. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. Cecile Fetters, Secretary, asked all present to check the address list for additions or corrections and all were asked to sign-up to bring supplies to next year’s reunion. Scott Sifford gave the Treasurer’s report. Scott noted that the amount in the treasury has remained at a stable level for the last several years. He then passed a basket for donations to help defray the cost of using Camp Innabah for this year’s reunion.

Historian, Dick Lusch had received word of 7 births, 5 deaths, and 7 weddings over the past year and asked for any other new information on changes in the number of family members. One more death was reported after the meeting. There was discussion as to whether or not to continue the website as the cost has gone up. Those present felt that the website is a valuable way to share information about the family and also to locate new members. John Riley made a motion to pay up to $100. for web hosting from the reunion treasury. Cecile Fetters seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Dick believes that he will be able to cover the rest of the cost through donations. He is also asking if anyone knows a web host that is less expensive. Next Dick said that he would like to place the 12 original handwritten genealogy notebooks in the Phoenixville Historical Society for security purposes and also to make them easier for any family member to access. Members agreed that this was a good idea and Dick will follow through with this. He also noted that all the information on the genealogy is available at the Phoenixville Historical Society on CD Rom. Any family member wishing information on his/her “roots” may contact Dick Lusch and he can send them the information on their family line either via CD Rom or as a pdf file via email.

Riley Williams and April Fetters won the 2 Game Quizzes, which all had had the opportunity to play while waiting for the business meeting to begin. The family quilt, made by Martha Weed for the 100th reunion, will reside at the home of Evan Rossman, and the framed family crest will be placed in the home of Albert Rapp until the 112th Reunion in 2008.

Wendy Zern had selected 6 door prizes which were won by Marge Conn, Ruth Seeders, Cecile Fetters, Ryan Boyd, Christopher Fetters and Elmer Funk
The following family members were elected as officers for the upcoming year: President: Sandy Detwiler Lusch; Secretary: Cecile Fetters, Treasurer: Scott Sifford, and Richard H. Lusch, Historian. Next years reunion date will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2008.

Respectfully submitted, Cecile Fetters, Secretary