Descendents of Henry & Catherine Latshaw Detwiler

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Time Capsule

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1. The first radio receiver successfully received a radio transmission.

2. The Band-Aid was invented by Earle Dickson.

3. The “differential analyzer” or analog computer invented by Vannevar Bush.

4. Konard Zuse’s Z3, the first computer controlled by software.

5. Ray Kroc started McDonalds.

6. Soft contact lenses invented.

7. The Post-It note invented by Arthur Fry.

8. Windows software program invented by Microsoft.

9. Web TV invented.

10. Toyota’s hybrid car produced.

11. Tea bags invented by Thomas Sullivan.

12. Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting.

13. Charles Darrow claims he invented the game Monoply.

14. The atomic bomb invented.

15. Barbie Doll invented.

16. The computer mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart.

17. Cellular phones invented.

18. Doppler radar invented by Christian Andrews Doppler.

19. Viagra invented.

20. The ATM invented.


1. Detwiler Family gathered for their first family reunion?

2. “Decided to run the reunion on an organized basis in the future” and elected Harry L. Detwiler, president; George A Detwiler, secretary; and Elwood Detwiler, treasurer?

3. No Detwiler Reunion held because of the death of Norman Detwiler?

4. Detwiler “Coat of Arms” officially adopted by the Detwiler Family?

5. Decision made to hold the Detwiler Reunion on the 3rd Saturday in August?

6. Largest attendance at a Detwiler Reunion – about 300

7. First recorded reunion held at Camp Innabah?

8. “Time Capsule” sealed and given to The Historical Society of the Phoenixville Area?

9. Gerald Young elected as the first Reunion Vice President?

10. What year was Henry R. Detwiler born? 1907